Monday, December 27, 2010

Children yet to be sponsored...

There are 40 children yet to be sponsored...

They look so happy, yet it's joy! They are joyful for their school, their friends, their wonderful teachers and their new sponsors that are starting to sign up with them. They are truly excited for the assistance and love they receive when they are sponsored. These kids have not been sponsored for over 2 years. The food has run out, the walls are falling apart, the teachers are not getting paid, and there was not hope in sight... until this Nov!

I visited Kechene Care Point and told them that we will find them sponsors to assist with education, food and nutrition, love and support, and sharing of God's word with our letters and pictures. Their mood changed. They suddenly showed hope and excitement.
Here are just a few of the children yet to be sponsored. Some are living with both parents who are unable to care of them due to sickness and disabilities while others are single orphaned, living with only one parent due to death and illness. There are a few who are true orphans, or double orphaned without any parents. They are living with a family member or neighbor.
Please consider sponsoring. Let me know if you are interested and I will let you know who will be loved by you or your family. Check out the "Sponsor" button on my blog for more info and go to for more information about the organization.

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