Saturday, November 13, 2010


Well, among the chaos of Caleb in the musical last night, family coming over for the show, working yesterday, and final packing, things went great and I am ready to go. Sleep...not so much, but that's traveling, I guess.

I am so excited I can hardly stand it, yet a bit fearful as well. Hug after hug, I feel the love and support around me and know that God has placed all this family around us this day to show his loving arms are here! How amazing to have all this right before the trip and to bring our families together for such a great night. I feel peace and strength as we all bustle around this morning for the 9:38 flight.

Until we land...bye.


  1. We've been praying for peace & comfort during your flight Greta! Thank you for putting up the clock with Ethiopia's time on it...very helpful! I believe there's only 2 1/2 hours until you land in Addis! I pray God has given you divine strength & peace....Love you!

  2. Praying for you Greta - imagining where you might be at 10:06am Wisconsin time. This is Cherie...Miss Elaineous is my screen name
